Hello fellow Humans! I like to be called Dilawar (दिलावर) which now I find quite a nice name and bit romantic also if spoken by a pretty and smiling girl. In my childhood, I did not like my name. It was way too heavy to carry around. Though my life speaks for itself but most of the time it has poor grammar. Anyway here are most of my accomplishments and deeds I've done.
The only video game I have ever completed is IGI-2. I have never played Mario-2 but loved Need for Speed - Hot Pursuit. I have never ever been accused of Grand Theft Auto. I have lived in 3 4 states of India and never been abroad. I contend that I am not running away from anyone. My current mobile number has 2 prime factors and once I wrote a letter to a girl and waited for an answer for at least 6 months for an answer, hence I proved that a love letter may not always work.
I never rode an elephant, donkey or a horse, although in my childhood I did ride buffaloes, cows and street dogs. I do not know how to swim but dream of swimming across Indian Ocean. I was bitten by a bitch once on my butt when I was looking at her puppies and by Gangaram's horse on my back for no obvious reason. I hate Gangaram.
I do not have a profile on any of the social network sites and I never got sunburns. I can do farming and love walking in campus on the Thinking Road which connects my hostel and my department.
Since my childhood, I have consumed more than 8659 11231 liters of cow's milk. I have never played any musical instruments and have stopped singing after hearing my own recordings. I have trouble with English grammar and in my pursuit of English, I lost my grip over Hindi. I'd love to be emotionally bilingual.
If by any chance you are a Historian or Anthropologist, here is my brief history.
My ancestors were so happy living in Iran. Avestan was their mother tounge. It was written right to left and have a strong emphasis on minute phonological differences.One day I don't know what happened, a group of dissidents broke away. They were literally pissed off. Why? Hard to say. May be because they were dissidents and did not like others hushing them up. Or may be, they were just pissed off.
They decided that they must leave and start their own. It could well had been a case of 'get lost you ass******". But whatever was the case, they did not like the status-quo. So they took their horses and came to settle in North India. They called themselves 'aryan' which was derived from Avestan. They may have killed and displaced a large number of 'dravidian' over there who claim that they were natives of this land. Dravidians now live in South India and are proud of their longest surviving 'culture' despite of this colossal plundering. My ancestors must have been a ruthless tribe when it came to its own benefits. A characteristics which we still posses. Aryans, as they called themselves were fond of horses. In fact, old Indus-Valley civilisation never knew of horses. All of they knew were bulls and cows.
So pissed of my ancestors were with their Aventan brothers that they came up their own language and gave it name 'Sanskrit' (the perfect one). They must have liked to make things perfect. I like that. They did not like to write the way their Avestan brothers did. They wrote left to right. In addition, I don't know why, they did not like the sound of 'h'. They replace 'h' with 's'. So Hapta-Hindu became Sapta-Sindhu, Ahura is now Asura, Harxvati is Sarasvati and so on. But this did not stop here, often the meaning of gods were also reserved. Ahura were gods in Avestan, Asura is the demon in Sanskrit. Indira is king of god for the Sanskrit, He was demon for the Avestan. Seriously something really bad must have happened among them.. In fact, the oldest Avestan is so similar to the oldest Sanskrit that you can translate text in one language to another by applying few phonological changes.
Like so. Blue is Avestan, Black is Sanskrit. The ə symbol represents the mid central vowel (schwa) like the "e"s in "taken". First line is Aventan, second is in Sanskrit.
təm amavantəm yazatəm
tam amavantam yajatam
surəm damohu scvistəm
suram dhamasu savistham
miθrəm yazai zaoθrabyo
mitram yajai hotrabhyah
Initially, 'arya' meant 'to till'. This was considered a noble profession. This, still, is considered noble. I myself am a son of a farmer. Then they decided that there should be a division of labor and came out with caste system. Arya in this age came to mean 'the noble', why? Elites were not in 'agriculture' so they came up with this meaning to reclaim this title. So few of my ancestor became Noble, and the person who did farming is considered Mlichcha (the lower one, not-pure).
Sanskrit was refined in this period and the best grammar in the world was written by Panini. A new language was evolved which is called *Prakrit*. Prakrit was spoken by the masses and Sanskrit was reserved as the language of learning, a prerogative of elites - the Brahmos (Brahmins). Pratrik was considered a language of *Malichcha (*the lower ones). In fact, even in these days, Sanskrit is replaced by English in letter and spirit. The language which evolved from Prakrit (e.g. Hindi and its relatives) is now spokes by masses and considered the language of Malichcha by English-speaking elites (never mind the lip-services - which largely comes from the slight embarrassment for not being able to honour their mother-tongue. It's better to call it a native tongue so the embarrassment will be less. The word 'mother' has morality related to it also.). In few years, their literature could be found in museum with the tag, "Look, your ancestor used to read this."
My ancestor was very curious about universe. Their whole knowledge was centered around the universe. Astrology and Mathematics were intertwined. Whatever they knew, they put it in 'Vedas' which literally meant 'to know'. This was their science. I am so proud of them. When 'Vedas' came to an end, they called it Vedanta, 'The end of knowing'. Why would they do that? I can not say! Perhaps they stopped appreciating the changes. Perhaps that was the worst thing to happen in our life.